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Earth Sciences

James (Jamie) Pringle


I graduated in 1990 from Dartmouth College with a BA in physics and from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Joint program with a doctorate in Physical Oceanography. I was then a post-doctoral fellow at the Marine Life Research Group at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. I am now an professor at the University of New Hampshire.

My current research includes

  • The dynamics of coastal circulation, with a particular interest in dynamics of circulation on seasonal and longer timescales.
  • Interactions of coastal and estuarine circulation in large estuaries.
  • Maintenance of alongshore variation in species composition, and alongshore variation in allele frequency, in the presence of alongshore currents.
  • Quantifying effect of alongshore currents on the relative fitness of species and alleles in species with planktonic lifestages.
  • The impact of coastal circulation on the transport of zooplankton and icthyoplankton.

EZfate: a toolkit for predicting global coastal Lagrangian pathways in R
The statistics of dispersal of particles that drift with the current, such as planktonic larvae, in the global coastal model varies greatly in space and time. Based on the Mercator Ocean 1/12th of a degree global circulation model, I have created a tool that provides estimates of Lagrangian dispersal globally for 2007 to the last calendar year for durations of up to 60 days. The code to access and process this data is written in R, and I can provide access to the data product for those working in python. The code and a description can be found at https://github.com/JamiePringle/EZfate .

Chapman and Malanotte-Rizzoli's Notes based on Myrl Hendershott's waves course:
Many oceanographic students have learned about waves from this excellent set of notes prepared by Dave Chapman and Paola Malanotte-Rizzoli from a course originally given by Myrl Hendershott. They have been passed from hand to hand, and xeroxed many times. You may now find them here .

Linear Wave Movies -- Coastal, open-ocean and equitoreal Rossby and Kelvin waves:
I used Francois Primeau's linear shallow water model to model the evolution of a motionless mound of water that is allowed to evolve either in the middle or eastern edge of a closed beta-plane basin. In class, I motivate this with an aquarium and a mound of water generated by an inverted UNH shot glass which, if you have used it enough, appears to have a roughly Gaussian inner profile. Runs are also made on an equatorial beta-plane to illustrate how equatorial Kelvin and Rossby waves interact. In these runs, the initial disturbance is always in the center of the domain. You are welcome to use these animations or movies in your teaching. The movies, and more explanation, are here .


Morse Hall
Univ. of New Hampshire
39 College Road
Durham, NH 03824-3525
Fax: 603-862-0243

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